Jeffrey Messias
- 0203 154 7254
An experiencedChartered Accountantin public practice, Jeffreydeveloped a portfolio of clients in a wide range of activities, and has an all-round experience as a general practitioner. In 1990 hefoundeda seven-partnerfirm of registered auditors, accountants and business advisors,which became based Park Lane, London,W.1,and which offered a full range of audit, accounting and taxation services as well as support in other key areas,including, management consultancy, corporate finance and trusts.Jeffrey acted as a financial director and management consultant, using his experience in corporate management and administration,in such areas as management consultancy, corporatefinance and raising finance through banks, financial institutions and venture capital.Jeffrey retired from public practice in 2001, to established Park Lane Management Consultants Limited, which providesmanagementand consultancy services to corporate clients.